Vitality from the inside out.

Your health isn’t optional. It’s essential.

When I am asked, “What is it that you do?”

I help people rewrite the stories they believe about themselves. The story you were told by some professional that you couldn’t do it without the help from “X intervention, surgery, or professional.” our body and your belief have been hijacked by these narratives we all have heard, believe, and live from. I am here to help remind you that YOU and YOUR body can heal. You can aid your child’s healing from an earache or stomach bug. You can be the first to respond to your loved ones needs with intuition. It all starts with taking a risk, to flip the story on its head.

Discovering what will make your amazing and unique body thrive is a journey. It won’t always be quick and it certainly won’t be easy. I am not claiming to have all the answers, but what I am saying, is that most often healing happens in community, and it happens at home. Using natural tools like food, water, essential oils, and smart supplementation, so you can take your power back.


Doula Services

Laboring with confidence. Living empowered. Serving you through it all.