The Journey to Health


Life’s big changes are best made in the company of others. Let us partner together to meet your health goals. Choose a journey below, and we will schedule a time to discuss next steps and implementation.

Alker Family Journey

toward natural living

Welcome to our journey! After a decade of marriage, we have landed ourselves in pursuit of passing empowerment to you and your loved ones. When we met, we were just a couple of kids jumping into life’s adventure together. Dustin, having been raised on the coast of California around the rich resources the soil had to offer, has always held a love for natures bounty in his heart. Courtney became enthralled with learning how the body is designed to function both in wellness and throughout the course of an illness. After a few years of parenting and trying out certain natural solutions we have made a point to educate those around us regarding the choices we all face within the walls of our own homes. Whether it’s a conversation surrounding routine vaccinations, or the woes of a feverish child fighting off an ear infection, we have learned to lean heavily on the ways the body functions best. Left to it’s own devices, the body desires to be balanced and well. The environment we place ourselves in, the toxins and chemicals we unknowingly welcome into our homes and bodies greatly tax the well working machine we call the body. Desiring to strip it all back and reorient ourselves with the basics of health, we are here to partner with you on your journey. Whether you are just getting started, or you are down the path a few years. We are here to aid you in your quest for wellness, for your mind, body, and soul.


Complete Overhaul


When your body is sending warning signals, its time to jump into the deep end. We invite you to scale back, pack up your toxic household items and start a 30 day clean slate. We know that in doing so, your body will be more stable and balanced, and then we can begin to peel back the layers of your health to directly address the issues closest to your heart that are in need of change. Whether your hormones are on the fritz, or you are experiencing chronic pain, this is the place to start. This journey will address proper supplementation, a healthy gut, as well as offer toxin free support for various health needs like pain, safe detox and more.

First Aid Kit


When you are just building your natural medicine tool belt, it’s hard to know what is absolutely essential. This perfectly curated kit will carry you through everyday ailments we face like ear aches, tummy trouble, cuts, and scrapes, emotional wellness and immune support. It ensures you are prepared for whatever may come. With the freedom to purchase replenishment whenever you prefer at 25% off, and a convenient diffuser, you’ll love this easy to use kit.

Metabolic Health


When you learn the importance of metabolic function you’ll stop at nothing to ensure its healthy function. From food absorption and digestion to hormone production, this important system must be balanced if we are going to enjoy a health span that coincides with our lifespan. Click below to start balancing your body naturally, from the inside out!

Pain Management


The CDC states that 69% of adults in the US ages 49-70 have taken one or more prescription drugs in the last 30 days. Many times pain management is the last resort and feels like the only option. I believe that when we reset our body and begin addressing the root cause of inflammation and imbalance, rather than the symptoms, we stand a much better chance at recovering vitality. This journey may be long and arduous, but your quality of life matters, and my joy is to partner with you as you take small and significant steps back toward wholeness.

Birth Essentials


Whether you are bringing together a large birth team, or keeping things simple, you will love having tangible tools to help from early labor through transition and into the hours and days after you welcome baby. As a birth Doula, this kit contains all my must have products. I’ll teach you how to use each and every item so that you enter birth feeling equipped and supported..


Become a member of our valued community of farm members. CSA stands for community supported agriculture. Our farm exists to connect you to the food you consume in a way that promotes health and vitality in its simplest form. From seed to harvest, each step is carefully executed in a way that keeps your families health in mind. Organic practices and ethical choices fuel our mission to bring you the fresh veggies your body craves.