My first health post.

How did I actually get here?

Parent of two, living in Santa Barbara (2016). Working as a hairstylist, doula, and essential oil educator.

I looked down at my swelling belly and my heart knew life wouldn’t ever be the same. 9 months earlier was the wedding, and only a few months after that we turned 21. Both of us working jobs that didn’t require college degrees, you could say that our life was speeding toward responsibility faster than we could manage.

My head needed time to catch up. While my husband worked at a smoothie shop figuring out next steps I spent my days at a kids cut salon in sunny Santa Barbara.

I loved my job and was quite good at dealing with the detailed needs of my individual clients. Like the boy who needed a double cape cause he vomitted everytime hair got in his mouth. Once he would sit down, it was a race against the clock. I worked quickly and after the first surge of vomit I would remove one cape without skipping a beat until the cut was complete. Exciting stuff man. Oddly prepared me for my future as a mom of 6 boys!

But this? This was new, a wild frontier and I was excited for the adventure. The first of my siblings to marry and the last sister to be married into the Alker fold. I was considerably younger, more naive, and underprepared for life, unlike my sisters in law. However, we started parenthood at about the same time. A gift that has established some of the sweetest friendships among cousins and the girls I get to call my sisters. This was the beginning of my journey toward becoming an advocate. I have since learned and implemented so much from my hours of researching decisions I would soon need to make for the baby in my care.

I took natural birth classes, absorbed the information, at the same time I gawked at some of the “crunchy” suggestions. I was WAY out of my league. I had no birth philosophy, let alone parenting philosophy. I look back on those days with such fondness. They provided me with the opportunityto step into my own skin. My calling was different than I’d ever imagined.

We changed trajectories in more ways than one. We moved in with parents while we sorted out a kid appropriate place to live, got our careers in order and began the new season of our lives.

By the time I delivered my son I had consumed information on vaccines, birth plans, circumcision, and the like. I had no Idea how vast the valley of information really was. This new endeavor of mothering awoke in me a hunger and thirst for understanding. What came next both surprised me and became the catalyst for my current career in doTERRA.

I determined that I wanted to learn how to support my son in his growth. I knew absolutely NOTHING about anything essential oil related. My one exposure was the lavender oil my mom slathered on me as a kid to support my chronically dry skin.. This caused an intense hatred of the smell. I now know that it was likely because the source was impure or adulterated in some way.

Regardless, Something in my mind told me that essential oils felt basic. The most stripped down form of self care. It’s a plant. Take the protocol, apply it- if it works, great! So I dove into researching how oils are sourced, where to get them and all the companies I could choose from. I came out of that time choosing to move forward as a customer with doTERRA and have come to lean on that choice time and time again the more I discover about the body and the use of essential oils.

The truth is, my learning didn’t stop there. I went on to become a birth doula, an advocate, safe place for moms to ask questions and search out answers without shame. My journey started there and is ever evolving.

I’ve been a mom for 10 years as of yesterday and my whole life has changed! And the best part is I have taken others with me on the journey. The road is empowerment. The path is becoming the informed advocate for your family that you desire to be.

So don’t knock the small decisions that get you to your destination. You have no idea just how wide the ripple affect will be. If you are starting your health conscious journey, please comment or message me. This is the most perfect, mild, dip your toe in place to start. Don’t worry, there is time for talking about lymphatic drainage, castor oil packs and coffee enemas (a few of my other favorite topics!) that will come later. Just take the plunge, its a more than making a purchase, it is a comittment to becoming equipped. The journey will be different for everyone. Just start and see where it leads you!


Surrender to the Sensation.